Submissions Guidelines
Please READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS before submitting please.
Lawdog accepts ART SAMPLE SUBMISSIONS ONLY— Story/Series Proposals will not be accepted at this time.
Submitting Art Samples/Portfolios:
We accept Penciling, Inking, Lettering, or Coloring samples.
Please send 5 pages of current, finished sequential artwork, with contact info clearly printed on each page. Please avoid sending pin-ups and character designs. Make sure your last name is a part of the name of each of the files you send. Image area for each art scan should be 1000 pixels wide by 1500 pixels high. Jpeg or pdf formats are preferred. If you are sending inking samples, make sure you also send a copy of the original pencils. Make sure your submission is under fifteen megabytes in size.
DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ART as your work will not be returned.
Send art samples only to info@lawdogcomics.net.
Due to time constraints, not every submission will receive a response. Thank you for sharing your work with us!